Seeing Pain or Torture in Others Causes You Pain Too


The other day I was looking at a picture of a broken leg and felt the pain, I will show the picture below, though I must warn you it is not for the faint hearted. Reading the below article a few day later really got me thinking further.

Can you feel pain by seeing it?

Sometimes just looking at an injury can hurt: the suffering of others triggers actual pain for one in three people. Torture portrayed on TV, for example, causes them to feel it as if they are being tortured too. Scientists for the University of Birmingham found that observing pain causes the Somatosensory Cortex to be activated (along with the region responsible for empathy). This region of the brain processes sensory impressions like touch and pain.
Source – Wonderpedia Magazine April 2014

How we react to others pain is our choice, I was wondering if we can control how we emotionally react to others pain, would that enable us to choose how we emotionally reacted to our own pain when we have it. If we can do that we can deal with only the uncomfortable sensation causing the pain therefore lessen our suffering.

Why not see how you can control your emotion reactions to these images of other peoples pain:


Serkan Ozden

It is really interesting how we each react to these types of images. I hope you managed your emotional reactions.

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