Witness first hand the power the mind has to affect your body with this library of experiments, some for you to try and others which demonstrate the power of the mind. We, at the Possible Mind, hope these experiments demonstrate how your mind can effect your body. Like us, we hope you will come to believe that with the right techniques and mind set you too can help your body with Pain Management, Recovery and Improved performance.

Rice Experiment – Love vs Hate
This amazing experiment was first discovered by Dr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher and alternative healer…More

Shoulders Back, Chest Out
This Exercise is from Jeremy Howick’s book Doctor You: Revealing the science of self-healing. Use…More

Rubber Hand Experiment
I think this will blow your mind as much as the participant in the video…More

Using Your Mind To Make Your Hand Grow!
Check out this video that shows how the mind can change the body. Go on…More

Overcome Learned Helplessness To Aid Recovery
At times throughout life, we may have learned to rely on others to help us…More

The Monkey Coconut Trap and Pain
A monkey coconut trap is created by cutting a hole in a Coconut and placing…More

Tattoo Anchoring To Help Achieve a Goal
We, at the possible Mind, have heard of sailors having an anchor of a tattoo…More

Piano Practice
As with most the experiments we look at this one has 2 groups: Group 1…More

Little Finger Strength
This experiment is fascinating and consists of two groups. Both groups had the strength of…More

Write or Imagine Your Signature
This fascinating experiment helps highlight that an actual action and imagining the same action fires…More

The Power of the Lemon
For this experiment you need to picture what you are doing in you mind: Just…More

Experience a Phantom Limb
A phantom Limb is the sensation of a limb which is not there or part…More

Fleas in a jar
Placed in a jar, fleas will jump high that the jar and escape. After 3…More

Elephant and the chain
As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that…More

The Tea Ceremony
This experiment aims to help you be in the now and was found on itsnotwhatyouthink.co.uk…More

Mindfully – Eat a Raisin
This experiment to fully experience the now was suggested in the book Dharma Road :…More

Mind Body Connections
This experiment elegantly shows how thought can affect the body. Ask a friend to close…More

The next time you cut your fingernails make sure they are all the same size…More

Basketball or Sport
If you are a member of a group or a team this can be a…More